Ashley wanted some raised planter beds that would look sharp, feed her family, and last for many years.

We advised choosing true 2x6 rough sawn hemlock timber bolted together with steel brackets. Quality like this is going to last and give our customers years of enjoyment.

We start by setting the boxes level on a bed of clear gravel that not only helps with drainage, but keeps the lumber from rotting and still allows plant roots access to native ground soil.

Routed edges so the boxes are comfortable to sit on is a nice touch. Bolts and brackets instead of screws extend the life expectancy of these boxes by many years.

The black tube shown above is perforated sock tile that runs down and under each bed allowing one to easily and effectively water from within the soil which encourages plants to root deeper and keeps foliage dry and less prone to disease.

The existing grass is covered with a weed barrier and topped with fresh wood chips making for a tidy finish and keeps things easy to mow around.

This is from the year after. You can see how the wood on the boxes has weathered beautifully. Ashley liked them so much, they ordered another one!

Lots of our customers are return customers and we look forward to serving you for years.